Driving Project Efficiency with AI and PRINCE2© Methodology

PRINCE2© (Projects IN Controlled Environments) is a project management methodology widely used in various industries worldwide. It provides a structured framework for managing projects effectively, focusing on key principles, themes, and processes.

However managing a PRINCE2© project can involve a considerable amount of documentation potentially limiting time spent on effective communications, issue, risk and dependency management.

This guide contains a list of useful AI (ChatGPT) prompts designed especially for PRINCE2© project managers. Each prompt has been crafted to assist you throughout each of the 7 PRINCE2© methodology processes, from initiation to closure.

By using these prompts, you'll be able to interact effectively with your AI assistant, enabling a more productive and streamlined project management experience.

PRINCE2© Processes

1 - Starting Up a Project

Appointment of the Project and Executive Manager

ChatGPT Prompt: "How can I effectively choose the project manager and executive manager for a digital transformation project?"

Explanation: This helps you understand the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience you should look for when appointing the project manager and executive manager.

Appoint and Design the Project Management Team

ChatGPT Prompt: "Provide guidance on forming the project management team for a software implementation project."

Explanation: This helps you to identify and select the key team members based on their skill set and roles needed for the project.

Capture Previous Lessons

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you help me to compile lessons learned from our past projects in the healthcare sector?"

Explanation: This allows you to review and analyze previous similar projects to extract valuable insights that can help in the successful execution of the current project.

Prepare an Outline Business Case

ChatGPT Prompt: "Guide me in preparing an outline business case for an AI-based customer service system."

Explanation: This helps you define the cost, benefit, and risk factors of the project. This is a crucial step for getting approval for the project.

Choose the Project Approach and Accumulate the Project Brief

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me choose the project approach and compile a project brief for a sustainability initiative."

Explanation: This provides guidance on selecting the appropriate project methodology and helps in the creation of a project brief that outlines the project's objectives, scope, and resources.

Plan the Initiation Stage

ChatGPT Prompt: "Assist me in creating an initiation stage plan for our upcoming data security project."

Explanation: This supports you in setting up the first stage of the project effectively by planning out the tasks, resources, and timeline needed.

2 - Directing a Project

Authorise Initiation

ChatGPT Prompt: "Can you help me develop a checklist for authorising the initiation of our enterprise software upgrade project?"

Explanation: This will help in creating a comprehensive list of factors to consider before giving the green light for the project initiation, ensuring that all pre-requisites and considerations have been met.

Authorise the Project

ChatGPT Prompt: "Assist me in preparing a Project Charter for the upcoming digital transformation project."

Explanation: This helps in defining the project's objectives, scope, key stakeholders, and governance structure, providing a basis for the project's authorisation.

Authorise Stage or an Execution Plan

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you help me draft an authorisation request for the next stage of our office relocation project?"

Explanation: This aids in constructing a formal request for approval to proceed to the next stage of the project, detailing the activities, resources, and timelines involved.

Provide Ad Hoc Direction

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me develop a guide for providing ad hoc direction during the implementation phase of our cybersecurity improvement project."

Explanation: This will assist in creating a set of guidelines for giving spontaneous or unplanned instructions in the course of the project, to deal with emerging issues or changes.

Authorise Project Closure

ChatGPT Prompt: "Please assist in crafting a project closure approval request for our completed customer relationship management system implementation project."

Explanation: This will help in preparing a formal request for project closure, summarising the project's achievements and challenges, and seeking official sign-off from relevant authorities.

3 - Initiating a Project

Agree on tailoring needs

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me define tailoring needs for our software upgrade project."

Explanation: This helps to determine what aspects of the PRINCE2 method should be modified to suit the specifics of the project, considering factors like project size, complexity, importance, capability and risk.

Preparing the risk management approach

ChatGPT Prompt: "Assist in devising a risk management approach for our upcoming cybersecurity initiative."

Explanation: This helps to develop a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and managing risks that could impact the project's success.

Preparing the change control approach

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you guide me in establishing a change control approach for our business process reengineering project?"

Explanation: This aids in setting up procedures for handling any changes to the project, including assessing the impact of the change, deciding whether to approve the change, and managing the implementation of the change.

Preparing the quality management approach

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me create a quality management approach for our customer service improvement project."

Explanation: This ensures that the project will deliver outputs that meet the required quality standards, by setting out how quality will be defined, measured and controlled.

Preparing communication management approach

ChatGPT Prompt: "Assist me in defining a communication management approach for our new product launch project."

Explanation: This guides in setting up a plan for effective communication among all stakeholders, including what information will be communicated, who will receive it, when and how it will be delivered.

Set project controls

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you help me set project controls for our construction project?"

Explanation: This assists in establishing the ways to monitor and control the project, like defining how progress will be assessed, when and how reports will be produced, and how issues and changes will be handled.

Create a project plan

ChatGPT Prompt: "Please aid in creating a project plan for our digital transformation initiative."

Explanation: This helps in developing a detailed plan that outlines the project's scope, schedule, resources, costs, risks and quality requirements.

Formulate the Benefits Management Approach

ChatGPT Prompt: "Assist in formulating a Benefits Management Approach for our cost-cutting project."

Explanation: This aids in identifying, planning, measuring and reviewing the expected benefits of the project, both during and after the project.

Assemble the PID or project initiation documentation

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you help me assemble the Project Initiation Documentation for our workplace wellness programme?"

Explanation: This assists in compiling all the key information needed to define and plan the project, including the business case, project objectives, project approach, project controls, risk management approach, quality and communication management approach, and project plan.

4 - Controlling a Stage

Authorising a Work Package

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you assist in generating a template for a work package authorisation for our upcoming software development project?"

Explanation: This prompt helps in creating a standardised document or template to approve work packages, which are portions of the project assigned to a team or individual.

Review Status of Work Package

ChatGPT Prompt: "Can you provide a guideline for reviewing the status of our current work package in the digital marketing campaign?"

Explanation: This prompt assists in establishing a process or checklist to monitor the progress of a work package, ensuring it's on track towards completion.

Get Completed Work Packages

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me draft an email requesting the delivery of completed work packages from the IT team."

Explanation: This prompt helps in communicating professionally and effectively to request completed work from a team or individual.

Review Management Stage Status

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you guide me in reviewing the status of our current management stage for the office relocation project?"

Explanation: This prompt assists in evaluating the current stage of the project, helping to identify any issues or delays that need to be addressed.

Report Highlights

ChatGPT Prompt: "Please generate a template for a Highlight Report for the current stage of our customer experience improvement project."

Explanation: This prompt helps in creating a structured report to share key updates and achievements of the project stage with stakeholders.

Assess and Capture Issues and Risks

ChatGPT Prompt: "Assist me in assessing and capturing potential issues and risks for our new product launch."

Explanation: This prompt aids in identifying potential problems and threats that could affect the project, and documenting them for further analysis and response planning.

Escalate Risks and Issues

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me formulate a message to escalate a critical risk in our supply chain overhaul project to the project board."

Explanation: This prompt assists in communicating urgent or serious risks to senior management, ensuring they're aware and can provide necessary guidance or resources.

Take Corrective Action

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you guide me in creating a corrective action plan to address the budget overrun in our software integration project?"

Explanation: This prompt helps in devising an effective plan to rectify issues that have deviated the project from its planned course.

5 - Managing Product Delivery

Accepting a Work Package

ChatGPT Prompt: "Can you help me understand the key components to look for in accepting a work package for our new software development project?"

Explanation: This will provide guidance on what elements to consider and evaluate before accepting a work package, ensuring that it aligns with the project's objectives and scope.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Generate a checklist for accepting a work package for our new digital marketing campaign."

Explanation: This aids in creating a comprehensive list of things to check off when accepting a work package, to ensure all essential components are present and satisfactory.

Performing a Work Package

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me create an action plan for performing the work package associated with our cybersecurity upgrade."

Explanation: This helps create a structured approach to performing the tasks specified in the work package, aiding in efficient execution and successful completion.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you guide me in risk identification and mitigation strategies while performing a work package for our database migration project?"

Explanation: This aids in foreseeing potential risks that might arise while executing the tasks in the work package and helps develop strategies to mitigate them.

Sending a Work Package

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me formulate a comprehensive report for sending a completed work package for our web design project to stakeholders."

Explanation: This assists in creating a report that comprehensively presents the completed work, providing relevant information such as task completion, challenges faced, and more.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Guide me in creating a process for sending completed work packages to the project board for our customer relationship management system implementation."

Explanation: This helps establish a protocol for delivering completed work packages to the project board, ensuring transparency and understanding of the project progress.

6 - Managing State Boundaries

Planning the Succeeding Management Stage

ChatGPT Prompt: "Can you assist me in devising a detailed plan for the next stage of our software development project?"

Explanation: This prompt will guide you in creating a comprehensive plan for the upcoming stage of the project. It helps determine the necessary tasks, resources, and timelines to ensure a smooth transition and successful execution of the next phase.

Updating the Project Plan

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me update the project plan for our construction project, incorporating the latest changes and feedback."

Explanation: This prompt aids in revising the existing project plan, taking into account any modifications, unforeseen challenges, or new insights gained during the project's progress. This ensures the plan remains relevant and accurate.

Updating a Business Case

ChatGPT Prompt: "Guide me in updating the business case for our digital transformation initiative, given the recent market changes."

Explanation: This prompt assists in modifying the project's business case in light of new data or changes in the business environment. It ensures that the business case continues to provide a strong justification for the project and aligns with the current market conditions.

Report Management Stage

ChatGPT Prompt: "Can you assist me in creating a comprehensive management stage report for our ongoing supply chain integration project?"

Explanation: This prompt aids in summarising the performance of the current stage of the project. It helps in documenting the progress, milestones achieved, challenges faced, and lessons learnt during this phase, providing valuable insights for stakeholders and future stages.

Create an Exception Plan

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me create an exception plan for our product launch project, considering potential delays in manufacturing."

Explanation: This prompt guides you in formulating a plan to manage potential deviations from the project plan. It helps outline the steps to be taken if specific issues arise or particular risk scenarios occur, ensuring the project can continue to progress effectively in the face of unforeseen challenges.

7 - Closing a Project

Prepare Planned Closure

ChatGPT Prompt: "Assist me in preparing a comprehensive plan for the closure of our software development project."

Explanation: This prompt aims to get assistance in preparing a plan that takes into account all activities necessary for a smooth closure, including administrative tasks, lessons learned documentation, and project review.

Prepare Premature Closure

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you guide me through the steps necessary for a premature closure of our building construction project?"

Explanation: This prompt will help you navigate a sudden need to close a project earlier than expected. It could involve understanding the implications, documenting reasons, and mitigating potential negative impacts.

Hand Over Products

ChatGPT Prompt: "Help me devise a process for handing over the finished product to our operations team."

Explanation: This prompt is intended to create a handover plan that ensures a smooth transition of the finished product to the team that will maintain or use it. The plan might include training, documentation, and ongoing support.

Evaluate the Project

ChatGPT Prompt: "Guide me through the process of conducting a comprehensive evaluation of our recently completed event planning project."

Explanation: The intent of this prompt is to assist in carrying out an in-depth evaluation of a completed project. This involves assessing project performance against its objectives, evaluating team performance, and identifying areas of improvement.

Recommend Project Closure

ChatGPT Prompt: "Could you aid me in drafting a formal recommendation for the closure of our website redesign project?"

Explanation: This prompt is used when you need to construct a formal closure recommendation for a project. It should detail why closure is appropriate at this stage, and summarise the project's outcomes against its initial objectives.

IMPORTANT - AI can be an extremely useful tool in helping project managers save time and become more more effective. All AI outputs should be reviewed / amended, based on your own experience. Never use personal information with AI and always check your employers / clients policies on artificial intelligence, prior to use.

The above are a selection of initial AI (ChatGPT) prompts, covering the 7 Prince2 processes from initiation to closure. Many more prompts can be used to help you drill into additional detail.

I hope you find the above of use and wish you every success in whatever project you are working on.

Do you use AI in your Prince2 projects? What are your favourite project management AI prompts? - Let me know in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, ChatGPT can assist in creating work package descriptions, developing project monitoring plans, and generating reports for tracking project performance against planned objectives in PRINCE2.

  • Yes, ChatGPT can assist in developing communication strategies, generating templates for reports and highlights, and providing guidance for effective decision-making processes within PRINCE2 project boards.

  • Yes, ChatGPT can aid in generating risk registers, offering insights on risk assessment and mitigation strategies, and assisting in the overall management of risks throughout PRINCE2 projects.

How to Get Hired Faster with AI

Text-based AI (Artificial Intelligence) in job hunting has increased dramatically in recent times. With advancements in natural language processing, machine learning, and data analysis, AI has become a powerful tool which can be easily utilised to help you get hired faster!

In this post, I will show you how to quickly setup text based AI, to help you make more relevant job applications, write more targeted CVs and job application cover letters in a fraction of the time they would normally take. Enabling you to respond faster to new opportunities, with more targeted information.

What is Text Based AI?

Text-based AI (ChatGPT by Open AI) is a type of artificial intelligence that has the ability to analyse, understand and interpret human language. Using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, text-based AI (ChatGPT) can process vast amounts of text data and extract meaning from it.

One key application of text-based AI is in document analysis and classification. Text-based AI algorithms can analyse documents and extract key information.

How to Setup AI for Getting Hired

Create an Account

The first thing you need to do is setup a ChatGPT account with Open AI. You will find a link to try ChatGPT for free, there is also a low cost pay monthly account called “ChatGPT Plus”. The free version of ChatGPT gives you access to ChatGPT V3.5.

“ChatGPT Plus” is currently appx. $20 USD per month, where you get:

  • Access to ChatGPT V4.0

  • Faster response times.

  • Priority access during peak times.

  • Access to new features as and when they are launched.

Once your account has been setup, you will be able to access your account from any device that has access to the internet.

ChatGPT Interface

The ChatGPT interface is distraction free and easy to use.

There are two key areas: Left hand column lists each of the “Chats”, with the right side comprising of the main interface where you interact with ChatGPT and receive responses. You simply type your instructions in the “Send a Message” box at the bottom to submit any request.

What are “Chats”?

Each chat is a topic specific conversation, which can remain open for as long as you have an Open AI account. All information given or discussed in each chat can be used by ChatGPT to provide an informed response (subject to word limits). You can continue feeding ChatGPT with more information as time goes on.


You may have heard the phrase “Garbage in, garbage out”, which is extremely relevant to text based AI. The more you can teach AI about your work experience and skills, the better the quality of the outputs.

Based on the “Chats” concept above, it is advisable to have one single “Chat” covering your whole job search activity. This is where you will provide ChatGPT with your skills, work experience etc., which ChatGPT will use, to give you informed responses.

Start a “New Chat” and introduce yourself to ChatGPT stating what it is you intend to do within that chat and what you would like to have ChatGPT do. This is called an “AI Prompt”.

Here’s an example:

Hi my name is YOURNAME and I am looking for a new job. I will be giving you relevant information so you can learn as much as possible about my work experience. Once you have this information I will be asking for your assistance in generating documentation relating to searching for a new job. Ok?

Once you have an acknowledgement, you are ready to start uploading information!

Uploading Your Work Experience

Training ChatGPT about your work experience and skills is surprisingly straight forward. Being a text based AI, ChatGPT will understand any text you give it. It can even learn text from web pages (provided they are publicly available).

Good starting point will be to upload your CV or Resume into ChatGPT. To do this, open your CV or Resume, select all the text and copy it.

Once copied type the following prompt:


Once acknowledged, you may also want to provide ChatGPT with information from your LinkedIn or other job site profile. Go to your profile page and copy the URL.

Type the following prompt:

Here is profile information from ENTER SITE NAME: PASTE PROFILE URL

Uploading Job Vacancy Information

Another powerful part of using AI to get hired faster, would be to upload details of the job vacancy you are interested in applying for.

ChatGPT can then draw upon both what a potential employer is looking for and your previously uploaded work experience, skills and qualifications, to help you provide an even more targeted application.

ChatGPT Word Limiits

OpenAI states that there is a limit of 3000 words for the freely available version of ChatGPT (Version 3.5), while Version 4.0 which is available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, has a limit of up to 25,000 words.

If the information you want to feed ChatGPT exceeds the above, you can either manually breakdown your text into chunks or use a ChatGPT Text Splitter website which will automatically break down large amounts of text.

You can give ChatGPT more detailed information about yourself or the role you are applying for, at anytime within the same “chat”, which ChatGPT will factor in for future conversations.

AI Work Experience Outputs

Once you have trained ChatGPT, the information in the “chat” stays there as long as you have your Open AI account. You are free to run prompts anytime you choose, where you will get responses in seconds.

No AI prompt will get the exact same results and the more specific you are, will result in better responses.

Here are some examples:

“Rewrite my CV / resume to make it more applicable for a job application within the INDUSTRY NAME industry.”

“Write me a cover letter for a job application for INSERT ROLE.

“Write no more than 250 characters describing why I would be suitable for INSERT ROLE”.

“Please complete the following job application form fields: INSERT FIELD NAME 1, INSERT FIELD NAME 2, etc.

“Create an introductory presentation providing an overview of my experience specific to INDUSTRY NAME or ROLE NAME

The more prompts you write, the better you will be at being more specific. You can even ask ChatGPT to write your responses adopting a certain character or style.

IMPORTANT: Outputs from AI are not 100% accurate. Outputs should be used as an initial starting point or guide, from which you review and edit with your own writing style.

Data Privacy

ChatGPT does store your conversation history. According to ChatGPT, this information is used to help provide better user experiences by having context for further conversations and allowing users to review previous discussion topics. For job search purposes your work experience data may already be accessible to unknown recruiters etc. so this may not be a problem for you. It’s not recommended to share your personal details such as age, address, date of birth etc.


Text based AI for job searches (contract or permanent) has transformed the speed and accuracy at which you can respond to new opportunities. You can even use it to respond to adhoc email questions from recruiters and potential employers, from any device!

Do you currently use AI when looking for new work opportunities? Let me know in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • ChatGPT can review your CV by:

    Identifying potential typos and grammatical errors

    Providing suggestions for better phrasing or wording

    Recommending ways to highlight your skills and experiences

    Identifying sections that may need more detail or clarification

  • Yes, you can customise the level of detail by providing specific instructions to the model. For example, you can request a general overview, tips for improvement, or a detailed analysis of specific sections.

  • ChatGPT can assist you in creating a cover letter by:

    Generating a personalised, industry-specific introduction

    Helping you highlight relevant skills and experiences

    Suggesting ways to connect your qualifications to the job posting

    Offering tips for creating a strong closing statement

  • While ChatGPT is primarily trained on English text, it has some understanding of other languages. However, its proficiency in languages other than English may not be as high, which could impact the quality of analysis and suggestions.